Subproject II: Topos analysis

As a subproject of the project KompAS (Kompetenzen mündlichen Argumentierens unter Schulkinder - Levels of oral argumentation skills among school children) the topicality of arguments of school children between 7-12 years will be investigated. In addition, argumentative complexity, conversational dynamics, and the context sensitivity of the realized speech acts will be analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. With the availability of video and audio data, the corpus of 180 conversations also enables the analysis of multimodal aspects of communication and interaction, which of course also or especially play an important role in argumentative action contexts. At the center of the dissertation project is the question of the classification of argumentative topoi, which the students fall back on and to what extent these can be methodically reconstructed. In a further step, a topos analysis also enables a conclusion to be drawn about the plausibilities that schoolchildren build up in the context of oral school exercises among peers, which in turn allow a partial reconstruction of world knowledge and thus of a peer culture.

M. A. Tamara Koch
Assistant / PhD candidate
Tamara Koch
Philosophisch-Historische Fakultät
Departement Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften
Professur Luginbühl

Assistant / PhD candidate

Spalenberg 65
4051 Basel

Tel. +41 61 207 27 68